Friday 19 August 2016


If you are a funaabite and you care about this school, you would please read this through.
The protest that escalated into a riot yesterday sent signals that we all should take note of. As much as I am happy that we finally stood up for something, I am afraid that it might be the last time such would happen because of the intimidation we are going to face. But we shouldn't be discouraged, it should rather spur us to stand up against injustice.

Some of us made daring sacrifices yesterday, it was reported that 34 students were arrested and one of us was shot at by the police which they vehemently denied through their spokesperson on channelsTV report yesterday, Taiwo isn't dead "and we are seriously praying for his recovery" but he made a daring sacrifice for us all. He took a bullet for us and we shouldn't let this heroic act just pass. 

While all these happened some of us cowardly sat in our hostels with our phone and updated ourselves as it all went down. To the brave hearts that came out "THANK YOU", to the creative minds that wrote and tweeted "THANK YOU"
Nobody, particularly none of us would have thought we could muster enough courage to take to the streets. We have always been regarded as Advanced Secondary School students, but something changed yesterday. 
Yesterday was the day I had imagined but never thought was going to manifest. The Nigerian Police Force under whosoever's authority might have succeeded in chasing us off the street by firing bullets at us (which by the way, the Police were never supposed to come to a protest or riot with guns talk less of firing at students) but the STRUGGLE CONTINUES and every one, to the very last one of us should be involved in this STRUGGLE,
Now that we are off the streets let' s pick our PENS and write, let's pick our PHONES and tweet, let our voices be heard. There is an advantage we have, we have the number, over 15,000 students in this school. Question needs to be asked
The Police yesterday claimed on CHANNELS TV, they didn't shoot at anybody. Then they should then explain what poor Taiwo is doing in UCH where he is been treated for gunshot wound. They arrested 34 students that are going to definitely be tortured like criminals because they protested, should we allow these Sacrfices by these students just pass by. Lets not forget that if this set of useless Policemen have done their job, none of this would have happened, we probably won't be at this point. They have succeeded in making us VICT IMS and made themselves VILLIANS
Like I said earlier we are going to be intimidated and if we are not careful they would break us to the point where we won't be able to raise our heads anymore. Now more than ever we need to stand in ONE VOICE. Mark my words the School is going to make an attempt to expell those 34 students arrested by the police, but TOGETHER we are going to refuse that, The school might attempt to suspend the SUG and with ONE VOICE we are going to refuse that.
It is time to let them know we have a SAY in the affairs of the school. If the have always had their way controlling the SUG officials, they can't control all of us. And we all have a part to play in this, start by spreading the word. Make sure every Funaabite you are in contact with reads this. "ALUTA CONTINUA" and VICTORY is certain.

Concerned Funaabite. 


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