Monday, 3 October 2016


Foremost, let me congratulate the new Oyo Global Forum Team. The team I want to call, ‘The Moving Train’ not only for winning the much anticipated maiden OGF election but for having themselves come on board in the time of great challenges bedeviling not only our town but the nation as a whole. In the same vein, despite the enormous challenges so also the avalanche of opportunities to redeem them stare us in the face. 
Having said this, we must realize that the just concluded election has presented to us opportunities to ride on and allow to blossom for the good of our dear town and the state. This is in one part, a challenge to the new executives and the entire members alike. 

As at last count, OGF could boast of over a thousand members (financial and non-financial), however, less than a hundred could participate actively as financial members and eligible to vote during the election, this in itself is not too good for the vibrancy and effectiveness of our forum. The challenge before the new men at the helm of affairs of OGF is to come up with modalities that will make members comply with the token annual fee - a way that will make members willing to pay and actually pay. After all, the enthusiasm exhumed by our members during the election process shows this is possible. 

Like ‘Ajise bii….’ that we are, OGF has shown again, that, apart from making a huge number of people form allegiance towards the same purpose of community development, it can also organize a free, fair and credible election electronically. This is another opportunity will must explore and make better, we should find means as a body blessed with diverse intellectuals to develop this mode of election to be more transparent whereby voting process can be viewed on-the-time and followed by all members on-the-go. Perhaps, this noble innovation can be sold to INEC for national elections. We can only dare to try. 

Individually, the new executive came in on the back of each promising this and that, however, we expect that the team gel in no time, form cohesion and find a level plain enough to absorb individual ideas to generate a more robust and large but actionable and realistic programs of action for the town. We are watching and your electioneering promises are BOLDLY embossed on our diaries. Time is ticking.

Experience has shown about election that the winner sometimes might not have the best of programmes, therefore, it is expected that the new executives extend a hand of friendship to the contestants in the last election to bring forward their intended ideas and work as a team for the actualisation of our dream for a Better Oyo. 

Like our fathers will say, ‘O tan lenu, oku nikun’. 

While I indulge the new executives ably led by our indefatigable Dr Seun Kolade to listen more to the yearnings of our people both on and off cyber space and be strategic in approach, I will also advise the entire OGF congress to lend a hand of support big enough for the executives to rest and rely on.

In this, we can truly achieve success and bring our town out of the shackles of underdevelopment. 

Agboola Afeez is a true born son of Oyo town.  

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