Tuesday, 4 October 2016


All Right Reserved, No Part of This Publication may be produced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the owner (OMOIYAKUNMI). 

WARNING: This content may contain explicit details and it is strictly meant for readers above 18years. 

Hehehe... God, I seek your protection against the evil of temptation o.

And this pretty lady in a very tight jeans trousers showing the actual curves and a small top complimenting the bobbies walked into my office early this morning tightly urging a bible.. 

I quickly adjusted myself and in one of my most impressive tone said; 

Me: Good morning, babe. How may I help you? 

Babe: Good morning, bro. Please, I am Kemi from so and so church. I am here to preach the gospel to you.

*In my mind, I was like 'Hahahaha'. Laaro kutukutu, gospel??? Ema gba mi ke? Could be a set-up? Ko joor...

Me: Really? Can we proceed into the inner chamber of my office?

Babe: Nooooo, brother! Let's stay where people can see us. 

Me: Haba, sister. You came to preach the gospel, you should have come prepared for this. I want no distraction during your ministration. 

Babe: Brother, but there is no where the gospel can not be passed now. Lets talk where people can see us.

Me: Sis, if I may ask, how many people witnessed John the Baptist when he was baptizing Jesus? Abeg, enter the inner chamber of my office and minister to me in your sweet voice.

Reluctantly, Sister Kemi entered the inner chamber of my office to minister to me.... 

To be continued...

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